Remember your bullies.

Dan Scholz
Technically Dad Network
2 min readNov 9, 2016


Think of your bullies America. We all faced them at some point.

Mine were strongest in 4th — 6th grade.

I had swastikas carved into my desk.

I had eggs broken inside of my backpack and in my hair.

I got into a lot of fights to defend myself.

And I know that many people had it much worse than I did.

The person that America just voted into the highest office in the land has validated every hateful thought all of our bullies had about The Other. This election validates their hate. Trump validates their fear. The President elect effectively tells our children that lies don’t matter, the only thing that you have to be is loudest and first and stoke the hate of The Other. And there’s always an Other.

That is what is scariest about today.

I know this is a bit scattered and to be honest my mind is still a little convoluted. But, I want everyone in this country right now to remember their own bullies. I don’t care who you voted for, you all had a bully at some point. You just made one the President of the United States because a bully told you that the other candidate, and the government at large is corrupt. You took the word of a bully at face value.

Tonight I’ll talk to L about bullies. I’ll make sure that she knows that even Daddy had bullies. Because, I don’t know how else to explain last night to her.



Technologist, futurist, marketer, analyst, and probably totally unqualified to put my words down in writing.